State Representative
Our schools must give everyone a fair chance to succeed. This is not currently the reality.
Instead of making sure every Vermont child has access to a good school, we are spreading our scarce dollars across a growing group of private schools that are unaccountable and exclusive.
We don’t require taxpayer-funded private schools to meet the same standards as public schools.
And, we make taxpayers fund private schools that close their doors on some or most Vermont kids, including in other states and other countries.
Only Thetford Academy has agreed to serve as the designated public school for the town of Thetford.
Only two taxpayer funded private schools– Thetford Academy and The Sharon Academy- have committed to meeting the same education quality standards as public schools.
Instead of expecting taxpayer funded private schools to embrace this public purpose for our public dollars,
Vermont created a 2-tiered educational system, in which taxpayers are forced to pay for schools that openly refuse to comply with anti discrimination statutes, elite and exclusive prep schools in other states and other counties, and schools with so few students they are unable to provide a 21st century education.
It is unfair to say we can’t afford to maintain our public schools, while we are diverting precious public school dollars to private schools that reject most applicants, insist on discriminating, or can’t provide a robust education.